81.   Pharmacists also closed their shops for two days on Tuesday to protest a government decision to restrict the number of medicines available to people insured with state health plans.

82.   Phnom Penh was calm, though pre-election jitters and a wave of kidnappings have prompted gold and money traders to close shops.

83.   Other refugees said Kunduz residents were hiding indoors and closing their shops for fear of summary execution by the Taliban.

84.   Palestinian youths stoned Israeli troops and burned tires Tuesday while merchants closed their shops in mourning to mark the anniversary of the Hebron mosque massacre.

85.   Palm, however, denied the decision to close shop was caused by the legislation.

86.   Police said most shops were closed and authorities were on alert.

87.   Piraeus shops were closed on Wednesday afternoon in solidarity with the protestors.

88.   Police jailed the shopkeeper for one week and ordered his shop closed.

89.   A curfew remained in effect, shops were closed and soldiers ordered journalists out of the area.

90.   Almost every shop is closed for renovation.

v. + shop >>共 356
set_up 16.79%
close 13.51%
loot 4.65%
open 3.88%
shutter 2.94%
close_up 2.73%
have 2.47%
damage 2.17%
run 2.05%
shut 1.83%
close + n. >>共 625
market 11.40%
door 5.73%
eye 5.34%
gap 3.72%
school 3.27%
office 3.14%
border 2.68%
airport 2.29%
road 2.16%
plant 2.04%
shop 1.85%
每页显示:    共 315