81.   Mountain lions have always lived in close proximity to humans and rarely cause problems.

82.   Never have so many traveled so far and stood in such close proximity to accomplish so little.

83.   Nearly two years later, however, Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze still do not practice their camel spins in close proximity, Moskvina said.

84.   Northridge has never had it easy operating in close proximity to USC and UCLA.

85.   On the Nike Tour, Martin never had to deal with hospitality tents in close proximity to the greens.

86.   One of them is located in Mazar-i-Sharif, a city in close proximity to the Afghan-Uzbek border.

87.   Our swimmers are not residential by virtue of living together, but they are living in close proximity to the training venue.

88.   Particularly in rural areas, the cradle of country music, blacks and whites lived and performed in close proximity to each other.

89.   Patients who used digital cellular telephones but did not place them in close proximity to their pacemakers also did not experience any interference, the studies reported.

90.   Others think that being so high puts them within easy reach of God, who will take advantage of the close proximity to snatch them up to Heaven.

a. + proximity >>共 48
close 59.80%
physical 6.64%
geographical 5.65%
geographic 4.65%
closer 2.99%
relative 2.33%
uneasy 1.99%
mere 1.33%
strategic 1.00%
daily 0.66%
close + n. >>共 428
friend 12.66%
tie 9.12%
range 5.31%
ally 4.09%
relationship 3.68%
attention 2.96%
race 2.72%
associate 2.62%
contact 2.55%
aide 2.34%
proximity 1.16%
每页显示:    共 179