81.   Agani was a close aide of Ibrahim Rugova,

82.   Also Tuesday, a top army general and a close Milosevic aide warned that the armed forces might intervene in case of upheaval or troubles at the Thursday rally.

83.   Agani is a close aide to Ibrahim Rugova, the ethnic Albanian leader advocating a peaceful struggle for independence.

84.   All were close aides of Milosevic who were indicted along with him by tribunal on charges of crimes against humanity in Kosovo.

85.   Among the Italians is a close aide to the pope, Monsignor Giovanni Battista Re, who the Italian media say is a possible papal successor.

86.   Another close aide to Tudjman, Hrvoje Sarinic, quit Friday as his Cabinet chief.

87.   Among those in custody Monday were former political prisoner and politician Sri Bintang Pamungkas and Meilondo Suwondo, a close aide to opposition leader Megawati Sukarnoputri.

88.   An Azerbaijani court sentenced a former police officer to death Monday in the killing of a close aide of Azerbaijani President Geidar Aliyev, news reports said.

89.   Announcement of the election date was made by Dragan Tomic, speaker of the parliament and a close aide to Milosevic.

90.   Arafat subsequently denied that Bush was referring to him, and a close aide, Nabil Shaath, said Arafat would stand for re-election.

a. + aide >>共 355
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former 12.26%
senior 12.14%
presidential 8.50%
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chief 1.54%
legislative 1.36%
close + n. >>共 428
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ally 4.09%
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