81.   Christian leaders met with Powell in an effort to end the standoff between Israeli troops and the gunmen.

82.   Christian leaders said they might launch nationwide demonstrations if the government did not repeal the law.

83.   Dory Chamoun, an anti-Syrian Christian leader, said the arrests were made in order to appease the Syrians after the anti-Syrian protest on Sunday.

84.   Early Monday, Klaus met with Christian Democratic leader Josef Lux and chairman of the Civic Democratic Alliance Michael Zantovsky to outline their budget plans.

85.   Early Monday, Klaus met with Christian Democratic leader Josef Lux and chairman of the Civic Democratic Alliance, Michael Zantovsky, to outline their budget plans.

86.   Efforts by Christian leaders to resolve the standoff thus far have proved fruitless.

87.   Earlier Monday, Arafat met with Christian leaders, including Sabbah.

88.   Following a meeting Saturday with Christian church leaders at the American consulate, Lutheran Bishop Munib Younan said Powell had told the clerics he would meet with Arafat.

89.   Former Christian parliamentary leader Elco Brinkman said that prime minister Kok rose above party politics and ideologies to stitch together a stable consensus.

90.   He said Arafat has set up a committee to help solve the issue, but Christian leaders do not plan to meet with the Palestinian leader.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
christian 0.20%
christian + n. >>共 892
church 4.51%
group 4.29%
conservative 3.38%
leader 2.82%
faith 2.76%
community 2.60%
denomination 1.87%
music 1.80%
missionary 1.75%
school 1.51%
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