81.   In the past, this checkpoint has been used to loot UN vehicles and snatch Bosnian civilians passing through under UN escort.

82.   All checkpoints are to dismantled from August, when the disarming of faction fighters is to begin.

83.   Checkpoints are to be removed with the assistance of the NATO-led peace implementation force, he noted.

84.   There would be checkpoints on the way in, watchtowers and guard dogs.

85.   UN spokesmen said the Rogatica checkpoint was a regular trouble spot.

86.   Macedonian security officials have said checkpoints are still necessary, as a number of ex-guerrillas remain armed.

87.   Police have been put on a state of emergency and mobile checkpoints were set up several main arteries around the Strip as patrols searched cars and checked papers.

88.   Rebel checkpoints were much in evidence in Grozny Monday, an AFP correspondent reported.

89.   Thailand also wanted the checkpoint to be permanent, with immigration officers on both sides.

90.   The checkpoint is like an international frontier post and residents travelling from rebel-held areas must have prior approval.

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checkpoint + v. >>共 87
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