81.   How do those e-mail exchanges differ from phone calls or voice-mail messages or, for that matter, letters carried through rain and sleet and snow?

82.   How far would his moxie carry him through a brutal north-woods winter?

83.   I think you need a broader base than an individual family to carry you through the storm.

84.   I think the quicker you can get ready, the quicker you can get in a groove and then just carry through the season.

85.   If you played well, it carried you through the season.

86.   If he keeps his nerve and remains deaf to the pleas for a left turn, the same improbable coalition may very well carry him through another general election.

87.   If they do, wax and bacteria could be carried through the hole, creating serious problems in the middle ear.

88.   Montigny said the state had a comfortable cushion in its unemployment fund and its budget stabilization fund, enough to carry it through a recession, should one occur.

89.   Interest and trading income rose at both banks, which analysts expect will have carried over through the third quarter.

90.   Investment bankers said they have assignment lists that will carry them through the summer.

v. + through >>共 930
continue 3.35%
work 2.78%
make 2.76%
cut 2.67%
spread 2.40%
push 1.57%
suffer 1.38%
last 1.12%
play 1.11%
sell 1.09%
carry 0.79%
carry + p. >>共 100
with 21.08%
through 7.58%
at 6.84%
for 5.94%
in 5.67%
around 5.28%
by 5.12%
over 4.19%
as 3.82%
without 3.21%
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