81.   Pilgrims are required to arrive in the kingdom by mid-February for rituals carried out over the following week.

82.   A fan reached over the yellow home run line and appeared to catch the ball and carry it over the fence.

83.   A feasibility study of privatising the department has been carried out over the past year without consulting the unions, the statement alleges.

84.   Also unclear was whether Presidents Cup points earned this year would carry over the next two years.

85.   Another U.N. official said Syria also denied clearance for the flight, whose planned route would have carried it over Syrian air space.

86.   Broadband Internet service that is carried over telephone wires, known as Digital Subscriber Line service, is governed by telephone regulations.

87.   But the ministry said it expects only a small portion of the haze generated Monday to be carried over Singapore because of changing winds.

88.   He said roadshows and activities would be carried out over the next two years to meet the target.

89.   He was vague about how the census would be carried out over Israeli objections.

90.   Her power and her long legs carried her over the second half of the race against the shorter Pintusevich-Block.

v. + over >>共 975
take 6.05%
hand 4.63%
divide 2.08%
fight 1.81%
look 1.71%
develop 1.09%
disagree 0.91%
win 0.88%
cook 0.87%
resign 0.80%
carry 0.36%
carry + p. >>共 100
with 21.08%
through 7.58%
at 6.84%
for 5.94%
in 5.67%
around 5.28%
by 5.12%
over 4.19%
as 3.82%
without 3.21%
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