81.   Commuters arriving in the capital from the southern city of Bo said there was a carnival atmosphere there, too.

82.   Despite the carnival atmosphere, hundreds of uniformed police officers patrolled in and around the park.

83.   Despite the carnival atmosphere, hundreds, if not thousands, of uniformed and civilian clothed police officers patrolled in and around the dome.

84.   The protest took place in a carnival atmosphere, but under heavy police supervision, close to Jacinto Benavente square in the centre of the city.

85.   There was a carnival atmosphere around the city centre with no hint of trouble between rival fans.

86.   Thousands normally travel with the national team to major games abroad, especially in neighbouring Arab countries, creating a carnival atmosphere of non-stop chanting to drum-beats.

87.   The carnival atmosphere of Saturday, with its final rallies, had disappeared.

n. + atmosphere >>共 228
carnival 15.65%
circus 5.58%
playoff 5.40%
crisis 4.14%
small-town 2.52%
clubhouse 1.62%
pressure-cooker 1.62%
playoff-type 1.44%
free-for-all 1.44%
village 1.44%
carnival + n. >>共 132
atmosphere 21.07%
ride 7.26%
barker 5.57%
celebration 3.39%
parade 2.42%
mood 2.42%
time 2.18%
midway 2.18%
game 1.94%
music 1.69%
每页显示:    共 87