81.   Police say the man told them he was trying to get passing cars to stop so he could rob the occupants.

82.   A security car stopped and the man was admonished but not detained.

83.   At the Parkland emergency dock, the car stopped and the announcer described a priest giving Kennedy the last rites.

84.   At mid-bridge the royal car stopped.

85.   Breen said he yelled and waved his arms several times, but the car did not stop, so he fired two shots.

86.   Cars stopped in the streets and thousands of people fled buildings.

87.   Cars stopped and blared their horns in apparent encouragement as the gunmen pumped round after round from automatic rifles at the three men on the ground.

88.   His car stopped in final lap.

89.   Right on cue, the car stopped at a work station and was automatically latching itself down when everything came to a halt.

90.   Some cars stopped, Chinese officers got out beaming, and were garlanded with flowers.

n. + stop >>共 1095
police 4.91%
people 2.68%
government 2.48%
rain 1.92%
company 1.64%
official 1.27%
train 1.23%
heart 1.08%
car 0.98%
officer 0.98%
car + v. >>共 923
be 22.40%
have 5.28%
go 2.26%
come 2.19%
hit 2.01%
drive 1.99%
run 1.90%
crash 1.62%
pull 1.51%
stop 1.15%
每页显示:    共 114