81.   Last month in Santo Domingo, Balaguer was called to testify at the trial of former military officers accused of killing Martinez, the journalist.

82.   Local prosecutors said they have, for most of this decade, used standard courtroom seating arrangments when victims called to testify are children.

83.   Medical Examiner Dr. Joye Carter declined to comment about the case, explaining that she would likely be called to testify.

84.   Miller was called to testify by the plaintiff.

85.   More White House officials may be called to testify in the matter.

86.   Meanwhile, White House lawyers formally agreed to appear before the committee on Tuesday to defend the president and suggest who should be called to testify.

87.   Neither Usenza, who is being called to testify on Friday, nor the New Hampshire assistant attorney general prosecuting the case could be reached for comment.

88.   No witnesses were called to testify, so none could be cross-examined.

89.   Officially, staff members say, the committee has not yet decided whether Ickes should be called to testify, given his talent for counter-attack.

90.   Officials of the fund were called to testify before congressional committees and a federal grand jury, forcing the fund to spend money on its own legal fees.

v. + testify >>共 37
call 62.22%
subpoena 20.36%
return 3.39%
be 2.04%
survive 1.81%
will 1.13%
come 1.13%
arrive 0.68%
frighten 0.45%
remain 0.45%
call + v. >>共 555
testify 10.53%
say 6.47%
tell 4.10%
ask 3.56%
discuss 2.83%
protest 2.37%
mind 2.37%
complain 1.84%
offer 1.61%
give 1.53%
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