81.   He called an ambulance, wrapped the baby in his shirt and rushed to a nearby hospital by taxi.

82.   Italian state rail spokesman Carlo Goria said an ambulance was called because a passenger felt ill and brought the person from a nearby station to Mirandola.

83.   Joggers spotted Priyantha and called an ambulance from a nearby hospital.

84.   Judge Alexander Simonov adjourned the trial after calling an ambulance for Ignatovich, who said he felt unwell.

85.   Junichi Tsuzuki ate some of the hallucinogenic fungi over the weekend and called an ambulance after he started feeling sick.

86.   Officials contend that many people abuse the system by calling an ambulance for a ride to the doctor.

87.   Over the weekend, they drove him to Morgantown and dumped him on the street, where a passer-by found him Saturday and called an ambulance.

88.   Only minimal use was made of this service, possibly because employees still prefered to visit a doctor or call an ambulance in cases of emergency.

89.   Police detained Skliar, who said he felt ill and asked them to call an ambulance, but he died before it arrived.

90.   She faked an asthma attack on Thursday, convincing her captors to call an ambulance, and she was then able to escape, police said.

v. + ambulance >>共 135
call 18.40%
send 5.21%
prevent 4.72%
use 4.07%
summon 3.58%
dispatch 3.09%
see 2.93%
drive 2.61%
block 2.44%
park 2.44%
call + n. >>共 1109
police 8.44%
election 5.67%
meeting 2.92%
attention 2.52%
witness 2.38%
strike 2.09%
timeout 1.65%
name 1.57%
play 1.34%
company 1.30%
ambulance 0.67%
每页显示:    共 112