81.   The Israelis say they will not withdraw from Bethlehem until a bypass road around it is completed, which could take until next year.

82.   The house is built near an Israeli bypass road that is intended to allow Jewish settlers and other Israelis to travel through the West Bank without entering Palestinian towns.

83.   The incident began Sunday afternoon when the settler drove on a settler bypass road near the Palestinian village of Hussan.

84.   The house is near an Israeli bypass road that is intended to allow Jewish settlers and other Israelis to travel through the West Bank without entering Palestinian towns.

85.   The pace of troop withdrawal depends on the construction of bypass roads for Jewish settlers, Rabin told Israel army radio in an interview from Washington.

86.   The van was on a bypass road used by settlers traveling around the West Bank city of Hebron, near the entrance to the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba.

87.   There is no mention of bypass roads in the Mideast peace agreement struck last month at the Wye summit in Maryland.

88.   They expanded fenced-in land around nine West Bank settlements and bulldozed several bypass roads.

89.   Though special bypass roads were built to allow settlers to travel safely, cars on the roads have become frequent targets of Palestinian gunfire.

90.   There is no mention of bypass roads in the Mideast peace agreement struck last month in the United States.

n. + road >>共 352
mountain 12.57%
country 10.14%
toll 6.73%
gravel 4.53%
side 4.18%
bypass 3.95%
pit 3.91%
block 3.68%
two-lane 3.17%
supply 2.17%
bypass + n. >>共 45
surgery 53.68%
operation 24.09%
road 12.73%
patient 1.50%
procedure 1.25%
graft 0.62%
system 0.50%
channel 0.37%
machine 0.37%
highway 0.25%
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