81.   Thai and Burmese sources said that refugees from the fighting were spilling over into Thailand as Burmese troops pounded KNU positions around Manerplaw with heavy artillery.

82.   Thailand ordered security forces onto full alert Thursday along the frontier with Burma after a series of border violations by Burmese troops battling ethnic Karen rebels.

83.   The dawn surprise attack on Burmese troop positions and a government office lasted nearly six hours, with the MTA force eventually retreating north.

84.   The defections followed months of major offensives against MTA positions by Burmese troops.

85.   The local military commander, Brigadier General Maung Kyi said the KNPP had been informed that the Burmese troop movements were not aimed at KNPP camps.

86.   The Karenni repudiated a ceasefire agreement with Rangoon in December after Burmese troops refused to leave areas designated as Karenni-controlled under the agreement.

a. + troop >>共 411
israeli 21.21%
russian 13.37%
american 4.83%
french 2.63%
indian 2.58%
british 2.51%
foreign 2.38%
peacekeeping 2.19%
turkish 1.75%
iraqi 1.69%
burmese 0.31%
burmese + n. >>共 281
government 14.86%
army 6.16%
authority 5.67%
junta 5.67%
troop 4.73%
official 4.35%
opposition 3.69%
capital 3.03%
leader 2.48%
military 2.04%
每页显示:    共 85