81.   Simon started off aggressively and one minute into the first round he gave Kranjnc a bloody nose.

82.   Spiers left momentarily with a welt under his left eye and a bloody nose.

83.   The game was delayed briefly after the second inning when Braves pitching coach Leo Mazzone fainted and fell onto the dugout floor, leaving him with a bloody nose.

84.   The only medical treatment he needed was for a bloody nose during the third set.

85.   The second encounter left Kleine with a bloody nose that required stitches.

86.   To explain blood stains and other evidence, Greineder told police that he and his wife both had bloody noses the morning of the killing.

87.   Tyson came out with a bloody nose and a thirst for the sport.

88.   Goram ended up with a bloody nose but the overall result of the match was heartening for Rangers.

89.   At the front and in the sand-bagged presidential palace, Chechens claimed they had given the Russians a bloody nose during the assault on the city Wednesday.

90.   The rebels might have sustained a bloody nose this time.

a. + nose >>共 360
broken 18.51%
runny 8.76%
bloody 7.22%
big 2.53%
red 2.46%
electronic 2.00%
aquiline 1.38%
stuffy 1.31%
long 1.15%
fractured 1.00%
bloody + n. >>共 831
coup 3.62%
glove 3.14%
clash 3.02%
conflict 2.99%
battle 2.96%
attack 2.93%
nose 2.84%
diarrhea 2.72%
war 2.32%
campaign 1.90%
每页显示:    共 93