81.   Soldiers from Ghana and Guinea joined Nigerian troops Saturday in trying to pressure leaders of a bloody coup in Sierra Leone to return the president to power.

82.   Soldiers from Ghana and Guinea joined Nigerian troops Saturday in trying to pressure leaders of a bloody coup in Sierra Leone to restore the president to power.

83.   Soldiers from Ghana and Guinea joined Nigerian troops Saturday in trying to pressure leaders of a bloody coup to give up and restore President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah to power.

84.   Still, he forced his way into a co-premiership with the winner, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, and then deposed him in a bloody coup a year ago.

85.   The announcement followed the third Marine-led evacuation since mutinous soldiers overthrew President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah in a bloody coup.

86.   Than Ritha wipes away tears as she talks about her niece, killed by shrapnel that pierced her kidney during a bloody coup launched a year ago Sunday.

87.   The army split last year when Cambodian leader Hun Sen ousted his co-premier, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, in a bloody coup.

88.   The Anlong Veng faction is the last still fighting, its attempts to negotiate peace thwarted last year by a bloody coup against co-prime minister Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

89.   The elections came one year after Hun Sen ousted Ranariddh as his co-prime minister in a bloody coup.

90.   The city is under their control and ousted President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah, forced from power in a bloody May coup, is preparing to return.

a. + coup >>共 288
military 22.18%
failed 9.02%
attempted 7.83%
bloody 5.28%
alleged 4.93%
bloodless 3.39%
major 3.21%
abortive 2.68%
former 2.07%
diplomatic 1.89%
bloody + n. >>共 831
coup 3.62%
glove 3.14%
clash 3.02%
conflict 2.99%
battle 2.96%
attack 2.93%
nose 2.84%
diarrhea 2.72%
war 2.32%
campaign 1.90%
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