81.   Media-Most offices have been searched several times since the company became embroiled in a bitter fight with the government last year.

82.   Military officials claimed they had trapped rebels in Gbarnga, forcing a bitter fight.

83.   Now the dispute is a bitter fight, and the county government is torn over which side to take.

84.   President Alexander Lukashenko proposed a compromise in his bitter fight with parliament over a nationwide referendum on expanding presidential powers.

85.   The decision to launch what could be another bruising trade battle with Japan will come less than a week after the two governments settled their bitter fight over autos.

86.   The National Assembly ratified the Uruguay Round world trade accords Wednesday in a routine raised-hands vote that contrasted with the bitter fight over their negotiation.

87.   The legislature approved the King Holiday bill in April after a bitter fight in the Republican-controlled House.

88.   The sharp exchange marked an escalation of the bitter fight between Clinton and the Republican majority in Congress that tried unsuccessfully to drive him from office on impeachment charges.

89.   This fall, Congress passed legislation aimed at ending the bitter fight.

90.   Yeltsin has been courting several centrist or liberal candidates in his bitter fight against Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov.

a. + fight >>共 896
first 5.10%
legal 4.35%
good 3.57%
tough 3.33%
big 2.98%
last 2.42%
political 2.34%
bitter 1.98%
uphill 1.94%
street 1.87%
bitter + n. >>共 729
dispute 5.65%
rival 5.23%
battle 3.87%
enemy 2.81%
cold 2.51%
rivalry 2.24%
taste 2.22%
debate 2.12%
disappointment 2.04%
memory 2.04%
fight 2.00%
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