81.   The biggest hurdle will be overcoming cultural concerns --often based on religious beliefs -- about using tampons.

82.   The biggest hurdles in building the information superhighway, he said, are getting individual players to cooperate and persuading government to create a nurturing regulatory environment.

83.   The biggest remaining hurdle is lowering the high cost of fuel cell components, including special membranes, polarized plates and platinum-loaded electrodes.

84.   The biggest hurdle he faces is the reception he will receive not only in the convention hall here but with the Democratic base vote all over the country.

85.   The biggest hurdle is Medicaid, the health-care program for the poor.

86.   The biggest hurdle may be a public accustomed to decades of one-sided coverage from a state-controlled press.

87.   The biggest hurdle will be bringing down debt levels.

88.   The biggest hurdle, Georget admits, is incorporation into the editorial mainstream.

89.   The biggest hurdle, however, is the wording of the censure itself.

90.   The biggest hurdle for Meyers may be to convince investors she can make money for them.

a. + hurdle >>共 233
major 8.80%
biggest 7.25%
regulatory 7.25%
first 6.02%
final 5.36%
last 4.75%
big 3.20%
legal 2.68%
high 2.49%
next 2.35%
biggest + n. >>共 920
problem 4.26%
challenge 2.57%
loser 1.56%
gain 1.55%
gainer 1.52%
threat 1.46%
difference 1.29%
concern 1.18%
obstacle 1.17%
change 1.08%
hurdle 0.75%
每页显示:    共 153