81.   Israeli soldiers there barred reporters from covering the demonstration.

82.   Malaysian authorities have announced new rules barring reporters from asking senior officials questions outside news conferences, the state-owned news agency reported Thursday.

83.   Malaysian officials barred foreign reporters from meeting with Yu.

84.   Meanwhile, reporters are barred from the chamber and listen to the proceedings from another room.

85.   Members of the Islamic Movement barred reporters from taking a closer look.

86.   Most reporters were barred from traveling with Annan from the capital Tripoli to Sirte.

87.   Most reporters were barred from going to Sirte and ordered to stay in Tripoli.

88.   Most reporters were barred from traveling with Annan from Tripoli to Sirte.

89.   No independent accounts are available since reporters have been barred from the area and international relief agencies have withdrawn their personnel.

90.   No independent confirmation was possible because the government bars reporters from the war zone.

v. + reporter >>共 500
tell 36.90%
bar 4.16%
brief 4.02%
allow 3.05%
keep 2.53%
ask 1.65%
address 1.47%
take 1.45%
prevent 1.41%
avoid 1.37%
bar + n. >>共 1096
journalist 4.30%
reporter 3.69%
woman 2.41%
company 2.37%
discrimination 1.59%
use 1.57%
inspector 1.25%
access 1.18%
entry 1.14%
people 1.12%
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