81.   A Palestinian detainee died several years ago after being shaken, and in response, the Supreme Court banned the practice.

82.   After a lengthy debate Thursday, lawmakers used a voice vote to kill legislation that would have banned the practice.

83.   And last summer, students at high schools throughout the South led prayers before football games despite a U.S. Supreme Court ruling banning the practice.

84.   At that time, Britain banned the practice of enriching cattle feed with sheep byproducts, because of the sheep disease scrapi, similar to BSE.

85.   Brigitte Bardot, animal rights activist and former French sex symbol, has demanded that the Korean practice be banned during the World Cup finals.

86.   But its wording says nothing about a racial motive, instead banning the practice whenever its intent is to frighten the victim.

87.   But the Indian government has banned the practice.

88.   Chinese leaders, who banned the practice over nine months ago, have called the group a public menace and a threat to Communist Party authority.

89.   Children were brutalized in BIA-run boarding schools, Indian languages and religious practices were banned and traditional tribal governments were eliminated, he said.

90.   Ellis said Texas should ban the practice without waiting for the high court.

v. + practice >>共 708
take 6.47%
miss 5.69%
stop 3.27%
end 3.21%
ban 2.44%
have 1.91%
defend 1.91%
follow 1.87%
change 1.84%
watch 1.63%
ban + n. >>共 776
import 4.55%
use 4.03%
sale 3.70%
party 2.59%
export 1.89%
demonstration 1.77%
weapon 1.57%
woman 1.44%
practice 1.36%
abortion 1.18%
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