81.   Several hundred army troops, dressed in the black uniforms of the riot police, moved into the headquarters of the police unit called the Zorros, or Foxes.

82.   Since thousands of army troops arrived several months ago, the area is safer, says Felipe Lopez, who is mayor of Tepetixtla, the nearest major town.

83.   Some African diplomats say that Kabila is recruiting the Interahamwe and former army troops, who are then trained by Zimbabwean officers fighting for the Congo president.

84.   Success came only after Bolivian army troops forcibly destroyed the coca plants, he said.

85.   Suddenly, army troops poured into the street and secured the supermarket.

86.   Teen-agers who surrendered to the army troops outside Bucaramanga described a disorienting experience with FARC.

87.   Surrounded by Mexican army troops, most of the Zapatista forces holed up in mountain camps near the Guatemala border.

88.   The army said troops opened fire after Palestinians fired three mortar bombs at a Jewish settlement.

89.   The Bosnian Serbs, however, contend that regular Croatian army troops are taking part.

90.   The army troops, of course, are also adversely affected.

n. + troop >>共 279
government 44.60%
ground 16.28%
army 12.10%
rebel 3.43%
security 1.52%
alliance 1.49%
ministry 1.24%
coalition 1.22%
opposition 1.20%
border 1.13%
army + n. >>共 530
spokesman 8.76%
officer 7.57%
troop 4.86%
commander 4.35%
official 3.82%
unit 3.34%
radio 3.18%
soldier 3.15%
base 2.89%
helicopter 2.09%
每页显示:    共 855