81.   People also chew apple-flavored gum, and drink apple juice, both generic-tasting.

82.   Pour in the apple juice.

83.   Pour the remaining apple juice in the bottom of the roasting pan holding the chicken.

84.   Products containing apple juice have been withdrawn from stores in Washington, California, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Nevada, Texas and British Columbia.

85.   Pour the chilled apple juice over the sherbet, which has been spooned into a punch bowl.

86.   Pour the apple juice into a medium saucepan and add the fruit.

87.   Rub horseradish all over roast, and then add carrots, potatoes, onions, salt and pepper to taste and apple juice.

88.   Researchers at the University of California at Davis report that eating apples or drinking apple juice daily can reduce the effects so-called bad cholesterol has on the human heart.

89.   Ribs seasoned with a rub, misted with apple juice and topped with an appley sauce.

90.   RW Knudsen has organic apple juice, and Santa Cruz, organic grape, lemon, orange and tropical flavors.

n. + juice >>共 155
lemon 41.80%
lime 15.35%
fruit 9.47%
apple 6.13%
pan 4.01%
tomato 3.09%
grapefruit 2.34%
pineapple 2.13%
tobacco 1.25%
carrot 1.13%
apple + n. >>共 207
juice 13.96%
tree 12.92%
cider 6.74%
orchard 6.17%
slice 3.61%
grower 2.94%
mixture 2.37%
tart 2.18%
industry 1.99%
butter 1.61%
每页显示:    共 146