81.   My first hint that something was wrong was when the traffic in the opposite lane began to brake and swerve for no apparent reason.

82.   Neither of us could find any apparent reason for the dead battery, so he jump-started my car and I drove home.

83.   On highways and in neighborhood streets, many minority citizens say they are stopped for no apparent reason by law enforcement officials, a practice they find humiliating.

84.   One night, for no apparent reason, he starts shoving Norton around in a parking lot.

85.   On a previous test drive in New Jersey, the computer crashed for no apparent reason, other than perhaps demonstration fatigue.

86.   One morning I found it completely wilted for no apparent reason.

87.   Others have started for no apparent reason, like those at Penn State and Ohio State.

88.   Others say officials, especially at airports, search and question them with no apparent legitimate reason.

89.   Palestinians said a civil emergency worker was shot when the Israelis opened fire on a civil defense truck near Netzarim, a Jewish settlement, for no apparent reason.

90.   Perhaps someone else is snapping at people for no apparent reason.

a. + reason >>共 446
good 11.29%
main 6.84%
same 4.57%
political 3.46%
different 3.05%
only 3.02%
personal 2.99%
major 2.58%
real 2.20%
obvious 1.81%
apparent 1.23%
apparent + n. >>共 1490
attempt 4.25%
reason 3.49%
suicide 2.52%
effort 2.50%
lack 1.70%
bid 1.39%
retaliation 1.37%
reference 1.28%
attack 1.13%
success 1.11%
每页显示:    共 203