81.   Most of the victims were mixed-race, and community leaders blamed the delay on politics from the apartheid era of white rule and racial discrimination.

82.   Most of the accusations stem from the apartheid era, when police imposed hated discrimination laws and acted against black opposition groups.

83.   Negotiators hunkered down for a night of last-minute bargaining Tuesday on a new constitution that must finally decide stubborn issues unsettled since the apartheid era.

84.   Officials must now cope with the high expectations of poor blacks, who were neglected by the white minority administrations of the apartheid era.

85.   Now disbanded, the Norwegian group spearheaded opposition to arms deals and other links with South Africa during the apartheid era.

86.   Police in the apartheid era killed and bombed government enemies and tried to spread the AIDS virus in the black community, the Sowetan newspaper reported Friday.

87.   Police routinely dispersed crowds and arrested people for singing it during much of the apartheid era.

88.   Similar protests have occurred at several South African universities, where some black students say administrators maintain white privileges from the apartheid era.

89.   Several criminal cases in South Africa have produced evidence that police force members during the apartheid era also took part in political violence to destabilize black communities.

90.   South Africa is pushing for a free trade zone with the EU to boost an economy struggling to recover from decades of isolation during the apartheid era.

n. + era >>共 323
apartheid 26.18%
rock 1.83%
computer 1.83%
bubble 1.44%
post-taliban 1.31%
information 1.31%
post-pc 1.18%
big-band 1.18%
dot-com 1.18%
swing 0.92%
apartheid + n. >>共 112
era 21.14%
government 15.64%
regime 9.94%
system 4.97%
rule 4.02%
year 3.59%
law 3.07%
policy 2.85%
leader 2.75%
crime 2.43%
每页显示:    共 199