81.   Veterans groups and armed services personnel have complained that the anthrax vaccine is unsafe, and they say the new evidence lends credence to their view.

82.   Wary of the continuing delays, U.S. public health officials are already shopping for someone to produce anthrax vaccines in Great Britain, Russia and China.

83.   Whether Michigan could have delivered the anthrax vaccine more quickly is debatable.

84.   Winkenwerder discussing the new anthrax vaccine after a press conference at the Pentagon, Friday.

85.   A military panel ruled Monday that an Air Force physician disobeyed a direct order when he refused last year to take an anthrax vaccine he said could be dangerous.

86.   A decorated pilot believed to be the highest ranking Air Force officer to refuse the anthrax vaccine was charged Friday with disobeying an order.

87.   A Marine court-martialed for refusing to take the mandatory anthrax vaccine lost a Supreme Court appeal Monday.

88.   A panel of scientists endorsed the safety and effectiveness of the anthrax vaccine in March, but it also recommended research into improving it.

89.   A presiding military judge said last week he could not argue that the anthrax vaccine is an experimental and possibly hazardous drug unlawfully forced on soldiers.

90.   A year ago, Heemstra had also complained in congressional testimony about having to take the anthrax vaccine as a squadron commander in the Indiana Air National Guard.

n. + vaccine >>共 129
anthrax 15.08%
flu 13.66%
smallpox 13.18%
polio 10.57%
cancer 3.80%
childhood 2.49%
influenza 2.38%
rabies 2.26%
malaria 2.02%
pertussis 1.78%
anthrax + n. >>共 227
spore 15.76%
scare 9.98%
attack 7.88%
case 6.55%
bacterium 5.82%
vaccine 5.13%
infection 4.20%
exposure 4.00%
threat 3.11%
contamination 2.63%
每页显示:    共 126