81.   The answer depends on how the program will track the disk.

82.   The answer depends on many factors, including genetics, diet changes, cultural attitudes and medical breakthroughs.

83.   The answer depends on several characteristics of the test and the target market.

84.   The answer depends on some details in the changes that actually occur.

85.   The answer depends on the point at which the head-counting begins.

86.   The answer depends on what each user requires from his or her operating system.

87.   The answer depends on what you own now.

88.   The answer depends on why you bought the bond.

89.   The answer depends on your tolerance for complete and utter realism.

90.   The answer depends, of course, on the skill and audacity of the author.

n. + depend >>共 1166
success 4.03%
lot 3.09%
answer 2.75%
life 2.00%
survival 1.59%
future 1.57%
decision 1.33%
company 1.21%
economy 1.18%
country 1.16%
answer + v. >>共 261
be 68.15%
come 5.01%
lie 4.75%
depend 2.25%
seem 1.89%
have 1.52%
appear 1.06%
vary 0.65%
become 0.53%
emerge 0.49%
每页显示:    共 113