81.   Yeltsin, answering critics who have said the accord will undermine Russian economic reforms and sovereignty, stressed that both countries would keep their sovereignty, Interfax said.

82.   Under the psychological pressure of knowing that failure would have consigned him to the international wilderness for the foreseeable future, Hick answered his critics with style.

83.   Leg spinner Shane Warne reasserted his authority, answering critics of his modest returns in the third and fourth Tests with two important wickets.

84.   Russian national security advisor Ivan Rybkin answered Communist critics of the latest Chechnya peace plan Sunday, denying that he had failed to consult with top security ministers.

v. + critic >>共 392
have 14.18%
silence 8.01%
answer 4.98%
say 3.02%
dismiss 2.55%
accuse 2.49%
satisfy 2.08%
confound 1.84%
quiet 1.84%
appease 1.66%
answer + n. >>共 327
question 61.13%
phone 7.03%
call 4.54%
telephone 2.88%
door 2.51%
charge 2.16%
prayer 1.37%
critic 1.05%
no 0.76%
letter 0.75%
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