81.   The analysts also worry that he may abandon other free-market policies, like the privatization of state companies, and fail to fight inflation aggressively.

82.   Though Internet grocers are struggling to turn profits, some analysts worry that traditional brick-and-mortar chains will eventually feel some impact.

83.   Tuesday night when Iran refused to participate in the agreement, several analysts worried that it could set off a frenzy of cheating by a few OPEC members.

84.   While market analysts worry, the people they worry about just keep putting part of each paycheck in stocks -- and money market funds.

85.   Other analysts worry that going after the two men will only unite Serbs against the international community.

86.   Although Germany might be able to avoid an official warning, analysts worry that such an outcome could cast credibility questions on the single currency.

87.   Analysts worried about the Commission setting a precedent.

88.   Analysts worry that VerticalNet is moving away from a sector in which it was a market leader to one where it is only one of many players.

89.   Analysts had worried that the narrowing trade gap might pressure Beijing into devaluing the yuan to make Chinese products more competitive on world markets.

90.   Analysts worry that Chirac could weaken the franc by lowering interest rates.

n. + worry >>共 727
official 8.76%
investor 5.90%
people 4.44%
analyst 3.42%
expert 3.26%
critic 2.95%
parent 2.36%
economist 1.93%
leader 1.37%
environmentalist 1.27%
analyst + v. >>共 240
say 55.41%
expect 7.01%
be 3.22%
believe 3.15%
predict 2.90%
agree 1.47%
warn 1.33%
see 1.32%
suggest 1.16%
think 1.15%
worry 0.30%
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