81.   Three craters cut the airport runway, and a cruise missile had obliterated a transport helicopter.

82.   To improve the humanitarian situation, Oshima urged the government to repair airport runways, arrange safer roads to deliver aid, and increase government funding for humanitarian programs.

83.   Three empty buses were parked across the airport runway, apparently to block any attempts for a landing, and soldiers chased off journalists seeking a closer look.

84.   Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta promised Friday to speed up authorization for new airport runways to ease passenger delays, prompting opposition from environmentalists.

85.   U.S. troops were helping repair the airport runway so humanitarian flights can continue, he said.

86.   Two other planes also lost control and crashed away from the airport runway.

87.   In Amman, a Palestinian spokesman said Israel was blocking the construction of an airport runway in Jericho on the grounds that it extended into a nearby Jewish settlement.

88.   In the early stages of the conflict, terrified Sarajevans trying to flee the city would cross the airport runways at night.

89.   A British soldier, his eyes riveted on a small green radar screen, sits patiently inside the vehicle located off the airport runway.

90.   After the French intervention, the guerrillas blocked off airport runways to prevent the arrival of any French airborne forces in the capital.

n. + runway >>共 53
airport 43.72%
fashion 13.36%
fall 4.86%
ice 2.83%
season 2.83%
spring 2.83%
dugout 2.02%
dirt 1.62%
east-west 1.62%
day 1.62%
airport + n. >>共 679
official 14.11%
security 7.70%
authority 4.33%
terminal 3.09%
worker 2.85%
spokesman 2.59%
runway 2.02%
police 1.99%
employee 1.71%
manager 1.57%
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