81.   APCs travel in front and behind UNHCR aid convoys as a deterrent and as protection for drivers, who seek refuge in the armored vehicles when convoys are attacked.

82.   As fresh white snow blanketed this troubled province of Serbia, making roads hazardous and disrupting aid convoys, low-level conflict persisted despite an official cease-fire.

83.   Asked repeatedly whether the multinational force would have orders to shoot anyone attacking aid convoys or to disarm Albanians, Vranitzky declined to give a specific answer.

84.   Associated Press reporter Patrick Quinn, traveling with a U.N. aid convoy, said it was stopped just outside Sarajevo by a minefield.

85.   At least four people died when anti-government rebels attacked an aid convoy trying to deliver food to tens of thousands of refugees from the four-year civil war.

86.   Blocked by both Serb rebels and Bosnian land mines, a humanitarian aid convoy was stalled for a third day outside Sarajevo Wednesday.

87.   Bosnian Serb leaders promised Friday to release hundreds of detained peacekeepers and allow free movement of aid convoys, the chief U.N. envoy said.

88.   Bosnian Serbs did not permit an aid convoy to reach northwest Bosnia on Tuesday, and U.N. officials warn that food shortages there could lead to starvation.

89.   Bosnian Serbs freed a pair of Danish peacekeepers but virtually shut down key U.N. functions Monday by blocking fuel shipments and aid convoys.

90.   Bosnian Serbs on Tuesday failed to give clearance for an aid convoy to pass their territory to northwestern Bihac where U.N. officials said people are seriously threatened with starvation.

n. + convoy >>共 121
aid 33.11%
relief 9.48%
food 9.04%
army 6.44%
supply 4.15%
refugee 3.70%
truck 3.48%
fuel 3.19%
police 2.67%
resupply 2.15%
aid + n. >>共 267
worker 26.77%
agency 12.30%
group 7.32%
package 5.19%
official 4.96%
organization 4.26%
convoy 3.97%
program 3.43%
flight 1.60%
effort 1.38%
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