81.   Chavez has said the election will democratize the confederation, whose former leaders were accused of representing a corrupt political elite instead of worker interests.

82.   China claims Taiwan is its territory, and accuses Taiwanese leaders of using overseas visits to promote the island as an independent country.

83.   Chavez accuses opposition leaders of sending marchers to the presidential palace in an effort to provoke violence and justify a coup.

84.   China accuses Taiwanese leaders of using overseas visits to promote the island as an independent country.

85.   Communists and Socialists in parliament charged that top law enforcement and government officials failed to respond to the violence, and accused regional leaders of complicity in the incident.

86.   Critics accuse SWAPO leaders of catering to Ovambos and enriching themselves.

87.   Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer accused Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat of not doing enough to crack down on violence.

88.   Earlier Saturday, Clinton used his weekly radio address to accuse GOP leaders in Congress of stalling legislation to raise the minimum wage.

89.   Earlier, ruling party lawmaker Tendai Mberi accused party leaders of arrogance and of trying to muzzle debate on the tax hikes.

90.   Faction leaders are accused of receiving arms and ammunition through their neighbors.

v. + leader >>共 959
meet 9.64%
arrest 3.95%
include 3.83%
accuse 3.12%
say 2.37%
kill 2.04%
have 1.32%
choose 1.28%
elect 1.27%
criticize 1.25%
accuse + n. >>共 529
government 15.04%
police 4.24%
official 3.03%
company 2.75%
authority 2.75%
rebel 2.29%
leader 2.26%
troop 2.05%
man 1.75%
force 1.71%
每页显示:    共 254