81.   The accord provides for accelerating US patent applications through the Japanese system and publication by the US Patent Office of information on pending patent applications.

82.   The accord provides for mutual access to news and archives, and for reciprocal assistance in news production and the training of journalists.

83.   The accord provides for the allocation of development funds in Mindanao in the next three years to be overseen by a council dominated by the MNLF.

84.   The accord provides for the exchange of data and expertise on the protection of the environment, upgrading monitoring and control systems, curbing pollution and combatting desertification.

85.   The accords also provide for a second round of presidential elections, but make no mention of a joint policy platform.

86.   The accords also provide for the renewal of rail and air traffic stopped in the midst of the war between the two countries.

87.   The accord also provides for political and cultural cooperation, and should pave the way for setting up a free-trade zone between the European Union and Russia.

88.   The accord however provides for either Serbia or Montenegro to opt out of the union after a period of three years.

89.   The accord provides for gradual rapprochement between the United States and communist North Korea in exchange for Pyongyang capping its nuclear program.

90.   The accord provides for gradual rapprochement between the US and communist North Korea in exchange for Pyongyang capping its nuclear program.

n. + provide >>共 1658
company 4.80%
government 3.29%
law 1.57%
report 1.52%
program 1.33%
bill 1.32%
official 1.24%
agreement 1.18%
system 1.03%
state 0.96%
accord 0.52%
accord + v. >>共 388
be 16.63%
call 5.24%
provide 3.63%
allow 2.77%
sign 2.55%
give 2.01%
have 1.90%
come 1.83%
include 1.76%
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