81.   But with a black player raised in a tough neighborhood, cocaine abuse was both a natural hypothesis -- and a powerful taboo.

82.   But why heroin abuse is particularly bad in Seattle is a matter of some debate.

83.   But, she writes, with the increasing feminization of the therapeutic professions, abuse is likely to diminish.

84.   By its nature as the ultimate taboo, childhood sexual abuse is hard to quantify at any level of society.

85.   Child abuse is always horrifying.

86.   Child sexual abuse is one of the most difficult crimes to prove.

87.   Childhood abuse would clearly be relevant in sentencing deliberations.

88.   Child abuse is hardly a new phenomenon.

89.   Childhood sexual abuse is another reality changing the practice of modern sex therapy.

90.   China is worried that, after the Balkans, NATO and the United States will seek to intervene in any other countries where human rights abuses are an issue.

n. + be >>共 1635
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result 0.67%
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abuse + v. >>共 179
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