71.   Wilkinson said the UNHCR would ask Zairean authorities to make troops available to escort returning Rwandans home.

72.   Without a formal vote, the commission passed a resolution accusing Zairean authorities of summary executions, arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture and other inhuman treatment in prisons.

73.   Zairean authorities had warned Monday that agencies would be barred from operating on Zairean soil if they dealt with rebel forces.

74.   Zairean authorities have accused neighbouring Rwanda and Uganda of supporting the rebels, but the two governments have denied the charges.

75.   Zairean authorities have launched a counter-offensive to reclaim the territory taken by the rebels.

76.   Zairean authorities have pledged to disarm them, but many still have their weapons.

77.   Zairean authorities on Monday announced a crackdown on foreign reporters covering the crisis in the central African nation, where rebels have seized half the country.

78.   Zairean authorities permitted Rwandan refugees who fear ethnic bloodshed to cross the border in batches on Monday, amid concern that they will swamp the nearby town of Bukavu.

79.   Zairean Defence Minister Mavua Mudima said the equipment returned comprised all the military materiel that Zairean authorities had been able to recover.

80.   Zairean authorities accuses the pro-Tutsi regimes in Rwanda and Uganda of providing direct support to the rebels.

a. + authority >>共 463
local 10.39%
federal 4.32%
chinese 3.29%
russian 2.74%
french 2.29%
israeli 2.11%
military 1.82%
serb 1.71%
german 1.66%
palestinian 1.48%
zairean 0.35%
zairean + n. >>共 200
government 14.77%
rebel 12.56%
troop 8.91%
army 7.54%
authority 6.64%
soldier 6.58%
capital 3.23%
border 2.81%
official 2.03%
force 1.79%
每页显示:    共 110