71.   The game roars with the crack of musket fire, the screams of wounded men and the clatter of calvary.

72.   The Levite saw the wounded man lying near death, suffering the anguish of his wounds and the indignity of his nakedness.

73.   The officer and the two wounded men were taken to Jacobi Hospital, where the unidentified man died.

74.   The officers took the wounded man out of his car and summoned paramedics.

75.   The soldier returned fire, and one of his teammates detained the wounded man until Border Patrol agents arrived.

76.   The suspect pleaded for a ride, but Krantz and the wounded man yelled warnings to the driver, who stopped his truck and jumped out.

77.   The wounded man was hit several times and was in serious condition at an area hospital.

78.   The wounded man was taken to the hospital.

79.   The wounded man, identified as Wayne Saunders, a fish and game official, was hit on his badge.

80.   The wounded man was arrested after being spotted by an off-duty LAPD officer, but the other two suspects were not found.

a. + man >>共 735
the 13.38%
young 12.91%
black 3.01%
armed 2.26%
white 1.92%
big 1.45%
gay 1.38%
dead 1.27%
elderly 1.15%
older 0.99%
wounded 0.48%
wounded + n. >>共 411
soldier 14.42%
man 12.36%
people 5.17%
civilian 2.44%
officer 2.35%
fighter 2.06%
pride 1.68%
child 1.58%
animal 1.34%
woman 1.25%
每页显示:    共 256