71.   They said the South Lebanon Army militiaman was wounded when a hilltop militia outpost overlooking the market town of Nabatiyeh came under rocket and mortar fire.

72.   Three pro-Israeli militiamen were wounded.

73.   Three other militiamen were wounded later in a guerrilla bomb ambush on a militia patrol outside the village of Rashaf, near Beit Leef, the sources said.

74.   Two militiamen were wounded in the truck bombing.

75.   Three guerrillas were killed and three militiamen were wounded in the fighting, the sources said.

76.   Two hours later the same guerrilla group ambushed a patrol of Israeli-backed militia, wounding four militiamen, Lebanese security officials said.

77.   Two militiamen were wounded in the attacks.

78.   Two militiamen were wounded, one of them seriously, the sources reported.

79.   Two SLA militiamen were wounded.

v. + militiaman >>共 117
kill 26.21%
wound 21.17%
injure 4.19%
disarm 2.94%
accuse 2.94%
say 1.89%
blame 1.26%
ally 1.26%
take 1.26%
push 1.05%
wound + n. >>共 421
soldier 18.51%
people 17.08%
civilian 5.87%
policeman 4.21%
man 3.44%
officer 2.45%
woman 2.36%
person 2.06%
dozen 1.66%
militiaman 1.47%
每页显示:    共 100