71.   Many workers fear the cuts are just a first phase in a possible shut down of the factory.

72.   Many workers had feared they would be laid off.

73.   Many aid workers fear a hard-line approach to negotiations could lead to an ethnic war.

74.   Many aid workers fear the worst.

75.   Many workers fear they may lose their jobs if the companies are sold.

76.   Medical workers have feared a possible measles outbreak among the refugees, but so far it has not happened.

77.   Many economists say labor costs have not risen because workers fear losing jobs if they demand higher wages and salaries and more costly benefits.

78.   Many European workers fear that with the increased competition and lack of government protection of a united European market, they will lose their jobs or benefits.

79.   Medical workers fear the outbreak is a sign of cholera, which is often fatal if not immediately treated.

80.   Now the building rush is over and the workers fear deportation.

n. + fear >>共 691
official 11.16%
authority 4.52%
investor 3.90%
people 3.87%
leader 2.85%
government 2.79%
police 2.66%
expert 2.60%
analyst 2.48%
critic 2.16%
worker 2.15%
worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
say 8.15%
have 3.61%
go 1.63%
begin 1.41%
use 1.33%
take 1.28%
find 1.28%
try 1.17%
receive 1.10%
fear 0.66%
每页显示:    共 132