71.   Even at his lowest points, Clinton has always received a warm welcome there.

72.   Fianna Fail and the other major Irish political parties are far from offering Sinn Fein a warm welcome into the houses of Parliament, regardless of their agenda.

73.   First came the warm welcome we received.

74.   Fans also gave a warm welcome back to A.C. Green, who helped the Lakers win the championship last June.

75.   Finally, for all its warm welcome to the Joffrey as a touring company, Chicago has not supported local ballet troupes on a long-term basis.

76.   Former President Bush and former first lady Barbara watched the address from center-court seats, and were given a warm welcome from the delegates.

77.   Gays and lesbians fighting for greater legal acceptance in American society are finding allies and a warm welcome in an increasing number of religious communities.

78.   Grouped in an entryway or foyer, the blooms of giant amaryllis, fragrant hyacinths, dainty paperwhites and crocuses will create a warm welcome for guests.

79.   He is hoping that the drama of Christian teen-agers proselytizing in places where they may not receive a warm welcome will carry the show.

80.   He was not given a warm welcome, or much of a welcome at all.

a. + welcome >>共 241
warm 28.28%
cautious 4.44%
tumultuous 3.86%
official 3.38%
enthusiastic 2.51%
traditional 2.41%
warmer 2.12%
rousing 1.93%
rapturous 1.74%
hearty 1.64%
warm + n. >>共 858
weather 10.43%
water 7.71%
air 6.64%
welcome 4.55%
temperature 2.49%
day 2.25%
reception 2.18%
relation 1.60%
winter 1.48%
feeling 1.48%
每页显示:    共 291