71.   The Soviet Red Army took them in the waning days of World War II.

72.   The waning days of any administration witnesses a talent flight, which often leaves an administration functioning with second- or third-stringers.

73.   Unfortunately the only politically available way to start endowing Amtrak in the waning days of this Congress makes little sense either as budget or transportation policy.

74.   Until the waning days of the Soviet Union, foreign scholars knew almost nothing of the nature and extent of the BMAC culture.

75.   Yet he has Ryan and Manager Tom Kelly scrutinizing him in the waning days of spring training for the fifth starting spot.

76.   Yes, in these waning days of the century, the AFL-CIO has discovered the Internet.

77.   President Clinton reflected on his waning days in office and asked politicians who will serve after him not to waste a rare moment of national economic prosperity and promise.

78.   Although interest has dropped in religion after surging in the waning days of the Soviet Union, more people now believe in life after death.

79.   As a young anti-militarist in the waning days of the Franco dictatorship, Javier Solana Madariaga fought to keep Spain out of NATO.

80.   Both places had been visited by Berlusconi in the waning days of the campaign last week in an effort to bolster the chances of conservative candidates.

a. + day >>共 390
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waning + n. >>共 115
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