71.   In a recent visit to a high school back home, he recalled, students quizzed him on voting records and legislative information they had pulled off THOMAS.

72.   In his six years in the Senate, Feingold has wracked up an independent voting record.

73.   In his introduction in Arkansas, Asa Hutchison lauded Cheney, who came under immediate attack from Democrats for his conservative voting record and ties to the oil industry.

74.   In each of the three rounds of issue advertising that the club has launched this year, one or two ads have praised Republicans for their environmental voting records.

75.   In terms of voting records, there is not much to choose between him and Gore.

76.   In the Kennedy and Johnson administrations he helped create detailed studies of voting records that the department used to prove charges of racial discrimination.

77.   Indeed, dissatisfaction with the course of the Democratic party led Tauzin, who has a voting record very similar to that of Hayes, to become a Republican.

78.   Inquiries focused on public information such as voting records and court cases.

79.   In Washington, Coverdell quickly established a voting record that was among the most conservative in the Senate.

80.   It does not give money to politicians but, after scrutinizing voting records and public pronouncements, steers Jewish donors towards the deserving.

a. + record >>共 677
criminal 7.98%
medical 4.41%
best 3.77%
high 3.14%
public 3.07%
new 2.88%
winning 2.29%
financial 1.78%
voting 1.53%
previous 1.53%
voting + n. >>共 348
right 10.38%
system 7.31%
booth 6.48%
record 5.43%
bloc 4.09%
station 3.88%
irregularity 3.61%
procedure 2.78%
process 2.62%
pattern 2.30%
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