71.   Vast quantities pass through the port on their way to Russia and other places.

72.   What the Argentine domestic market consumed in vast quantities was mediocre wine made from the pedestrian criolla grape.

73.   Whether the Japanese believe the reports or not, they are consuming them in vast quantities.

74.   With nearly suicidal determination, vast quantities of ink, staples and glue are being used to celebrate the online world of pixel publishing.

75.   With nearly suicidal determination, vast quantities of ink, staples and glue are being used to celebrate the on-line world of pixel publishing.

76.   Within the first year, smuggling became institutionalized as goods leaked through the borders in vast quantities.

77.   Authorities issued a general avalanche alert because of the vast quantities of snow falling in mountain regions.

78.   But the U.N. commission is still concerned about the vast quantities of VX precursor chemicals that are unaccounted for, he said.

79.   Ecologists see growth based on the burning of vast quantities of fossil fuels, which destabilizes the climate, rather than using clean, renewable sources.

80.   It said the growth media could be used to produce vast quantities of anthrax.

a. + quantity >>共 255
large 33.09%
small 12.10%
huge 4.87%
limited 4.61%
unknown 4.02%
vast 3.47%
larger 2.14%
sufficient 1.55%
great 1.55%
greater 1.44%
vast + n. >>共 1207
majority 23.51%
amount 3.83%
area 2.84%
number 2.52%
array 1.61%
network 1.39%
market 1.30%
tract 1.29%
country 1.28%
expanse 1.24%
quantity 1.18%
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