71.   As a result, Compass and its competitors are, to varying degrees, expanding outside the state into less-crowded, higher-growth markets.

72.   As with life, some is tedious to varying degrees, though important to understanding what a case officer does.

73.   Assessments of Cuba from the Pentagon were common during the Cold War when the Communist island maintained varying degrees of defense relations with the Soviet Union.

74.   At least these two do have football backgrounds, to varying degrees.

75.   Because of their height and high center of gravity, most of them impart, to varying degrees, a top-heavy, unstable feeling when rounding curves.

76.   Both account for the effect of options, warrants, convertible bonds and other securities that can be converted into common stock, to varying degrees.

77.   Both men have gained varying degrees of nerve regeneration, sensation and function in their new hands, but neither has full function.

78.   Blinder also said different Fed officials tend to view foreign exchange market movements with varying degrees of importance.

79.   Brahimi has recently visited most of those countries to urge them to assist in disarming the Afghan factions, which get varying degrees of support from outside Afghanistan.

80.   A major factor in resolving the conflict between these two strong-willed commanders was the varying degree of support each man won from his military.

a. + degree >>共 392
varying 14.75%
high 8.18%
honorary 6.68%
undergraduate 4.15%
graduate 3.69%
large 3.58%
medical 3.47%
first 2.96%
greater 2.72%
a 2.64%
varying + n. >>共 371
degree 29.77%
amount 3.91%
level 3.10%
size 2.77%
length 2.61%
success 1.79%
interpretation 1.41%
result 1.30%
stage 1.20%
account 1.14%
每页显示:    共 545