71.   Utility poles were shaved off at their bases.

72.   Utility poles have arrived, bringing a promise of electricity to people who live in mud huts without running water or indoor plumbing.

73.   Vacant walls and utility poles are papered with layers of campaign posters, presenting a more positive, and even more dramatic, contrast to the mainland.

74.   Wearing spiked boots called climbers, he scaled many a utility pole to string the wire that carried the electricity to remote homes in Arkansas.

75.   Wood treaters will continue to use CCA for industrial wood products such as utility poles and marine pilings.

76.   Wooden utility poles nationwide contain toxic chemicals that may pose serious health risks, the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides reported Tuesday.

77.   Yellow ribbons adorn trees and utility poles in Stoneham and Reading.

78.   You see that camera perched on the utility pole next to the cigar stand?

79.   Posters of the two men have been plastered on utility poles across the capital, Kabul.

80.   President Ernesto Zedillo toured disaster-stricken areas amid the din of heavy machinery clearing streets of downed utility poles, mud and debris.

a. + pole >>共 246
utility 15.24%
foul 9.48%
light 6.97%
long 4.13%
metal 3.97%
wooden 3.73%
electric 3.32%
fishing 2.51%
provisional 2.35%
first 2.27%
utility + n. >>共 344
vehicle 29.78%
company 10.07%
pole 4.38%
bill 4.29%
stock 3.87%
industry 3.08%
player 2.61%
infielder 2.22%
official 1.56%
worker 1.47%
每页显示:    共 187