71.   But critics say the law could be used to prevent even mainstream religious groups from operating freely in Russia.

72.   But Watt said the ruling could be used to prevent additional minority districts -- and the government would have little recourse.

73.   Filgrastim, marketed by Amgen and Roche under the Neupogen and Granulokine names, is used to prevent infections in patients undergoing chemotherapy.

74.   Genetic engineering could be used to prevent human intelligence being overtaken by that of computers, famed British physicist Stephen Hawking said in an interview released Saturday.

75.   He said rounds might be shorter, the rings might be smaller and heavier gloves would be used to prevent serious injury.

76.   Instead, the cosmonauts tied it with ropes ordinarily used to prevent their tools from floating away.

77.   Instead, the cosmonauts tied them with ropes ordinarily used to prevent their tools from floating away.

78.   Instead, they left it tied with ropes ordinarily used to prevent their tools from floating away.

79.   It was unclear how Wang eluded the border controls China has used to prevent most human rights and democracy campaigners from returning.

80.   Kahalani added that police jeeps and roadblocks could be used to prevent diplomatic visits to the Orient House.

v. + prevent >>共 399
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