71.   Some involve illnesses such as carpal tunnel syndrome, a repetitive-motion disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, and AIDS.

72.   Space and fears of carpal tunnel syndrome prevent a comprehensive listing of first-round busts from drafts past.

73.   Such injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis, common complaints of people who work on computers as well as on assembly lines, telephone banks and cash registers.

74.   That pressure sometimes triggers carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful condition that, if left untreated, can lead to loss of sensation and use of the hands.

75.   The ailment can cause a condition similar to carpal tunnel syndrome.

76.   The case concerns an automobile assembly line worker with carpal tunnel syndrome who can perform some assembly line jobs but not others,

77.   The cold laser therapy is part of an eight-phase program that GM has designed to alleviate its problems with carpal tunnel syndrome, Good said.

78.   The company said other appeals courts around the country had adopted a more restrictive definition, both for carpal tunnel syndrome and for other conditions.

79.   The former first lady has carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands.

80.   The likelihood of getting carpal tunnel syndrome, Hadler said, was no greater if a woman worked in a meat-packing plant or was a stay-at-home mother.

n. + syndrome >>共 207
tunnel 17.93%
fatigue 12.61%
stress 10.49%
bowel 9.12%
war 1.67%
baby 1.52%
gulf 1.37%
leg 1.37%
pain 1.22%
death 0.91%
tunnel + n. >>共 151
syndrome 20.31%
operator 8.78%
entrance 8.26%
project 5.51%
wall 3.79%
complex 2.07%
train 1.38%
system 1.38%
opening 1.38%
accident 1.20%
每页显示:    共 117