71.   The United Daily News, quoting KMT legislators, said Taipei also promised to open direct business, postal and transport links with the mainland to show goodwill.

72.   The suspension will continue while French officials continue to investigate extra security measures which could be introduced on transport links between France and its former colony, they said.

73.   The two men additionally discussed setting up a committee to deal with shared natural resources and transport links.

74.   The three currencies are now convertible in each country and transport links have been strengthened.

75.   The three currencies are now convertible in each country, transport links have been expanded, and border formalities will be eased.

76.   They resolved as well to cooperate more closely on HIV-AIDS treatment and to discuss better transport links to facilitate Malaysian trade to Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.

77.   Transport links between the two islands featured high on the agenda of the gubernatorial talks, officials said.

78.   Transport links are already being reestablished, with a passenger train service between Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania initiated recently, as well as a Lake Victoria ferry service.

79.   Transport links between France and its former colony remained suspended, with officials debating what measures can be taken to ensure safety for French nationals.

80.   While local transport links remain closed, the Trans-Siberian Express is still running, but is making no stops in Mongolia.

n. + link >>共 389
rail 9.37%
air 8.08%
trade 7.31%
communication 6.40%
telephone 6.21%
road 4.46%
transport 3.77%
satellite 3.47%
business 3.24%
radio 2.44%
transport + n. >>共 342
plane 11.49%
minister 5.91%
system 5.49%
company 4.33%
worker 4.24%
ministry 3.57%
link 3.02%
official 2.99%
strike 2.99%
service 2.77%
每页显示:    共 98