71.   Immigration has long been a touchy subject in Iowa.

72.   In the United States, reports of the first cloned human embryo reignited debate on the touchy subject, but in Asia the issue is less passionate.

73.   Medical error is a touchy subject in France, where patients long have been reluctant to take doctors to court in the case of mistakes or negligence.

74.   Military inductions often are a touchy subject in Germany.

75.   On that touchy subject, Mubarak Friday appeared to offer compromise.

76.   On the touchy subject of Russia whose influence Romanians fear coming under again, Ciorbea said he would strengthen economic and diplomatic ties.

77.   Rural poverty has been a breeding ground for terrorism in the past, and is a particularly touchy subject these days.

78.   Some criticism is tolerated, but news media tiptoe around touchy subjects like religion and any hints that the government might be divided on an issue.

79.   The dams are a touchy subject east of the Cascade Mountains, where residents are wary of big-city dwellers telling them what to think.

80.   The death penalty is a touchy subject in any nation.

a. + subject >>共 938
sensitive 3.63%
same 2.70%
touchy 2.70%
favorite 2.53%
taboo 2.30%
human 1.86%
controversial 1.83%
new 1.72%
different 1.54%
particular 1.45%
touchy + n. >>共 67
issue 31.47%
subject 24.80%
one 4.53%
situation 4.53%
topic 4.27%
question 3.73%
matter 2.13%
problem 1.87%
time 1.87%
area 1.33%
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