71.   The likes of Mike Dowless, Dennis Erickson and Dale Plummer are tossing the ball and throwing the leather around.

72.   The pitcher, blinking to make sure he was seeing correctly, tossed the ball to the second baseman, who tagged Ramirez out.

73.   The soldiers, from the Royal Black Watch Regiment, tossed a ball as rain pelted them.

74.   The stringbean leaped high above the rim, pumped his arms and softly tossed the ball off the backboard and through the net.

75.   The Yankees were so catatonic they could barely muster enough energy to toss a ball.

76.   Then he tossed a ball toward the camera.

77.   Then Ryan, wearing a blue sports jacket and red Rangers cap, tossed a ball to Len Coleman of the National League.

78.   Then, after Giambi looked at a third-strike slider, the Yankees tossed the ball around the infield.

79.   Then, he tossed the ball to the ground and rested.

80.   The Yankees need four more triumphs for a championship, and they need a second baseman who can accurately toss the ball to first to help them get there.

v. + ball >>共 575
hit 6.62%
throw 5.88%
get 4.24%
catch 3.44%
play 3.10%
run 2.71%
have 2.16%
take 2.13%
move 2.05%
kick 1.85%
toss 0.72%
toss + n. >>共 770
ball 6.30%
grenade 3.70%
head 1.96%
bomb 1.78%
coin 1.60%
racket 1.51%
football 1.46%
flower 1.37%
salad 1.14%
bottle 1.10%
每页显示:    共 137