71.   Seismic data gathered by the researchers showed the presence of gas beneath the top layers of sediment.

72.   Slowly skim off the top layer of film with a spoon or small ladle.

73.   Snow can cover the thin top layer of ice, disguising an accident waiting to happen.

74.   Some complain that snowboarders scrape off the top layer of snow, leaving only hardpack.

75.   So, instead of trying to clean the grout, scrape off the top layer, revealing new grout.

76.   Steve knew that the real challenge would be selecting the top layers of management.

77.   Sprinkle top layer with mozzarella.

78.   Some hunters will remove the top layer of the forest floor to get at partially sprouted mushrooms, an ecologically egregious act.

79.   Sprinkle top layer with oil, salt, pepper and vinegar.

80.   The boxed combinations include a graham cracker crumb crust, a pudding filling in either chocolate, lemon or banana and a top layer of flavored whipped topping.

a. + layer >>共 496
thin 12.19%
single 9.45%
thick 6.20%
top 5.78%
outer 4.70%
new 2.62%
second 2.58%
extra 2.46%
first 1.66%
protective 1.54%
top + n. >>共 669
official 9.23%
priority 4.25%
executive 3.54%
aide 2.72%
player 2.66%
team 2.46%
leader 2.35%
seed 2.13%
spot 2.09%
government 1.76%
layer 0.34%
每页显示:    共 138