71.   There are some really ridiculous time constraints, like the NCAA cracking down on how many hours you can put into practice.

72.   There are time constraints, attention spans.

73.   This can be useful especially to consumers who rent games at stores like Blockbuster, where they are under a time constraint to finish.

74.   Time constraints, precedents and the law itself seemed to favor the proposed deal.

75.   Time constraints also put an end to the usual competition among caterers.

76.   Time constraints and inflexible workdays make it much more difficult for some parents.

77.   Time constraints?

78.   Visitors must take a tour inside the palace, but outside are the ruins of an old abbey and well-kept gardens where there are no time constraints.

79.   When the studios were up against an imminent release date, or they had to labor under a demanding conductor, time constraints went out the window.

80.   While time constraints may keep you from tackling a number of labor-intensive recipes during the week, soup should not be one of them.

n. + constraint >>共 81
time 30.26%
budget 24.62%
capacity 4.62%
supply 3.08%
space 2.82%
resource 2.31%
salary 2.05%
cap 1.79%
production 1.79%
government 1.28%
time + n. >>共 1490
period 2.92%
trial 2.78%
slot 1.77%
line 1.32%
difference 1.26%
rate 1.11%
constraint 0.88%
one 0.82%
at 0.79%
hand 0.69%
每页显示:    共 117