71.   And outside that fictional world other things are changing.

72.   And in that time, things have changed.

73.   And then things changed, with the predominantly white colleges opening their doors and luring away black players.

74.   And things changed this year.

75.   And then things changed.

76.   And things have changed in less visible ways too.

77.   And things could change at home, too.

78.   And yet it seems that things are changing.

79.   And things changed.

80.   And things did change.

n. + change >>共 1254
thing 7.88%
time 3.56%
life 1.84%
situation 1.73%
world 1.66%
company 1.42%
attitude 1.38%
government 1.31%
rule 1.00%
people 0.88%
thing + v. >>共 260
be 38.64%
happen 9.73%
go 8.56%
get 6.84%
change 5.04%
look 1.64%
come 1.59%
seem 1.56%
start 1.55%
turn 1.49%
每页显示:    共 1210